Tuesday, May 22, 2012

gag reel?

So,  I have posted lots photos on my blog thus far. I know it will be a surprise but I have taken a bajillion more than I have posted. Interestingly enough, some of those photos have not turned out to be nearly as cute as I would have hoped. With the help of Heather and Rachel, I have plenty of questionable shots. It seems like it would be a good idea to show the whole world wide web a few. So, be prepared to laugh... or not. I might be the only one who thinks these are funny.
yep, we may have been making gobble gobble turkey faces right after landing in Turkey. I was obviously well prepared for this shot.
Here is another winner:
One of these things is not like the other. I was probably bossing someone around.
And sometimes I am a bit of a temptress...
Probably not the most appropriate... but we thought it was funny.

I also like to fall asleep at sites.
It is a great look for me, I know. 
And we get giggly in the Hagia Sophia...

Karen and I look great on Ferry Boats:

And Heather and I are aspiring models.

And what could be better than this little rascal eating some sausage on the steps of the Blue Mosque...

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