Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I am going to be a junkie...

Today we had class for six hours, and my schedule was pretty spread out, so we did not have time for any big adventures. But, I did manage to convince a few friends to go to the pharmacy with me because I was missing some cosmetics from my luggage.
In pursuit for body wash and lotion, we managed to find a few foreign treats. I made these two fine choices, along with chewy Coke bottles, but I ate those immediately.
I did not read the package well enough, but those potato stick chip things are actually ketchup flavored. And, if you look close enough, the chocolate bar has a little chocolate cow with fireworks. Yep, my chocolate had pop rocks in it.
Anyways, nothing very exciting today. I am off to study and then play some volleyball.


  1. I love how the mini french fry things say "100% natural potato sticks" as if they found them that way in a vast field of potato sticks...

    P.S. I can totally see you right now...
